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We Put Your Needs First



Medical Admission Program

Healthcare shortage area needs 12.9 healthcare staff. The great desire to become doctor, your dreams with full support is here, in return to assist one year post graduation in our healthcare shortage areas in Europe, Asia may be global



This is one of our brochure available. It’s made a big difference for many of our customers, and is provided with the highest level of excellence. With this service, we ensure all details are simple, seamless and handled in a timely manner. Whenever you work with ENDEAVOUR MEDICAL, you can trust that you’re in great hands.

Our affiliated hospitals and ongoing projects will guide you our indepth involvement in building and supporting the healthcare development globally. These projects are the sites for internship, meeting professionals from international companies, giving an open space to new comes with unlimited knowledge

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Raising up Doctors for Healthcare Shortage Areas

Welcome to ENDEAVOUR MEDICAL SCHOOLS. Our main goal is to always achieve a high level of customer satisfaction with the services and products that we provide. This simple approach has effectively fueled our growth since we opened our doors in 1999. We’re thrilled you’ve decided to visit us - please browse our site to discover what we’re all about.

The world needs to train more healthcare workers — and fast — according to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO). The report, released November 11, estimates that the world will be short 12.9 million healthcare workers by 2035. Today, that figure stands at 7.2 million.

The shortage of healthcare workers, if not addressed now, will have serious implications for the health of billions of people across all regions of the world, the WHO says.

"The foundations for a strong and effective health workforce for the future are being corroded in front of our very eyes by failing to match today's supply of professionals with the demands of tomorrow's populations," Marie-Paule Kieny, PhD, WHO assistant director-general for health systems and innovation, said in a news release.

"To prevent this happening, we must rethink and improve how we teach, train, deploy, and pay health workers so that their impact can widen," Dr. Kieny said.

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Committed to Excellence

ENDEAVOUR MEDICAL SCHOOLS has been proudly providing high quality products and services since 1989. What differentiates us from other businesses is our ability to truly connect with our customers, and provide the exceptional, compassionate service they deserve. To learn more, simply browse through our site.

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Our Background


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ENDEAVOUR MEDICAL SCHOOLS is proud to list our programs, including our customer favorites. Browse below to get a better idea of what we have to offer.

Full tuition medical school scholarship


We offer direct medical school admissions in Europe, Caribbean Islands and Asia with full tuition scholarship for the complete school degree. Apply here


Raising future Doctors

Medical School Admission

Direct admission to college is sometimes difficult, our need to fulfill the healthcare shortage doctors site with scholarship enables us direct admission


Preparing Students from Highschool to be a Doctor

Pre - medical admissions

Show a child the good path. Our school counselors visit high schools and show & tell how medical profession is, why its an important for community, how they can input in healthcare for many un-reached patients. The students are offered voluntary observership in our hospitals

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ENDEAVOUR MEDICAL SCHOOLS is committed to exceeding your needs. Questions, comments or special requests? We’d love to hear from you, so don’t hesitate to reach out today.


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